Wardell. Teaching manual for self instruction with full information on tools, supplies, and techniques. Well illustrated.
#70383 Stained Glass Basics $15.99
This popular step-by-step instruction book is for all skill levels. It begins with the basics, including tools and cutting techniques, then moves through other topics of interest. Discover how easy it is to create with copper foil, overlays, and lead came. Then try your hand at 3D projects, lamps and more. Also includes instructions for repairs. Inspirational color photos and technical tips throughout.
#681922 Share Crosses $12.00
Glasgow. Make one for yourself and one to "Share". Quick and easy projects. 8 color pages, 26 patterns of beautiful crosses.
Prairie Lamps $12.99
Author: Alex Spatz Sequel to Prairie Designs for Stained Glass Windows, these window designs are adapted for lampshades and matched set possibilities. Full-size patterns for 18 lampshades and original stained glass lamp base to complement the design.
Prairie Designs for Stained Glass Windows $12.99
Author: Alex Spatz 48 original designs with a unique prairie design flavor reflecting the qualities of metal and glass components used to make the panels.
Prairie Designs II for Stained Glass Windows $12.99
Author Alex Spatz 48 original designs of Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie Style windows. Spatz provides another round of prairie inspired designs in this continuation of his first book. Designs are shown on 1/6 scale. For intermediate to advanced artisans.